About Me

Hey there, I’m Kristi
I’m in recovery from an eating disorder. Over the years I’ve struggled with anorexia, binge-eating, and bulimia. I was miserable and struggled to make it through each day.
Now I’m in recovery and life is so much sweeter than it ever was in my eating disorder. There are hard days, confusing days, and frustrating days. But there are victories, big and small, that keep me going.
During my darkest days I promised myself that if I ever got to a better place, I would share my journey to help those who are struggling. This is my journey.
Here I don’t dwell on numbers. I share the things that have worked for me, resources I have utilized, and encouragement I needed to hear (and still need to hear at times).
If you’re struggling with an eating disorder, or supporting someone who is, welcome. I hope you find this to be a safe, encouraging, and educational space.

One day, I hope to...
Publish a book

Currently living in
Chattanooga, TN

Favorite Companion...
My puppy, Millie

Favorite ice cream flavor
Cookie dough