Here are some frequently asked questions to get you started!
Q: Does an eating disorder always mean you are underweight or overweight?
A: Actually, you can have an eating disorder and be within a normal weight range. Typically, those who are suffering from bulimia (binge-eating and purging) are more likely to appear to be at a healthy body weight.
Q: What causes an eating disorder?
A: There are typically many factors at play including genetics, environment, pressures to diet/lose weight, and social pressures to be thin.
Q: Do people with bulimia always vomit their meals?
A: Not necessarily. Those who suffer from bulimia do follow a binge-purge cycle, but may purge through overexercise or abuse of laxatives or diet pills.
Q: What are some eating disorder warning signs?
A: There usually isn't one sign that proves an eating disorder. Keep an eye out for obsessive weight/diet/calorie talk, as well as a pattern of decreased food consumption or overexercise. Also, look out for binge-eating of calorie dense foods proceeding a "calorie cleanse."
Q: What's the difference between overeating and binge-eating?
A: Everyone will overeat on occasion, typically on holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. Binge-eating is characterized by a lack of self-control around food. Binging typically occurs in secret and is associated with feelings of guilt, depression, and embarrassment. Bingers will usually eat very quickly and until they are uncomfortably full.