


Diet Culture


My Motivational Yo-Yo
I want to recover from my eating disorder! No I don't. Yes I do. No I don't. Oh bother... Is it just me, or does your...
Will I Always Be Insecure?
Yesterday I had a massage. While massages are supposed to be relaxing experiences that rejuvenate...
Eating Disorders and Accepting Compliments
A few days ago, I was at my university's gym running on the treadmill. I wish I could say I was...
Happiness Project Update | ED Recovery Style
I spent a week asking: "What would make me happy right now?" (See my last post to find out what prompted this journey.) What a selfish attitude, right? That's what I used to think. But I've come to realize that self-care isn't selfish and choosing to do things that...
The Happiness Project | ED Recovery Style
What makes you happy? I have been asking myself this question for the past couple of days. To be perfectly honest, I haven't been happy lately. I've been fighting depression, feelings of hopelessness and anger, and of course, my ever present eating disorder. I am...
Setting New Goals In Recovery
Yesterday was not great, to say the least. First, I have been restricting in ways I shouldn't for the past couple of weeks. Everything came to a head yesterday afternoon. I was starving and no one was in the house, so I binged. I ate and ate and ate. It was my first...